Woodslee, ON
ph: 519-564-7496
(aka FCh. MBIF Can. Ch. Kopera's Jenga Factor, SC)
is the product of frozen semen and was bred by Diana & Leah Hogan of Kopera Reg'd. She is 12.5 years old, has an amazing personality and is full of energy. She has excelled in lure coursing and loves it!
US Ch. Ridgelea's Rajput Agnikant ROM X
BISS Cdn Ch. Kopera's All of Me Of Course ROM
Jenga is shown in junior handling by my son Andrew at the Ridgeback National Specialty.
Sept. 08 - Jenga makes the cut of 8 from 23 in her class at the Ridgeback US national in Pennsylvania
Nov. 14/08 - Jenga takes Best of Breed at the Kent Kennel Klub Show to receive her first 2 points towards her championship
Nov. 22/08 - Jenga takes Winners Female and Best of Breed over a special for 2 points at the Purina National
Nov. 23/08 - Jenga takes Winners Female and Best of Breed over 2 specials for 2 points at the Purina National
Nov. 30/08 - Jenga takes Winners Female for 1 point at the Caledon Kennel Club show.
April 10/09 - Jenga takes Winners female for 2 points at the Kent Kennel Klub show - she now has 9 points with one to go at only 12.5 months old!
August 2009 - Jenga has her eyes, thyroid, and cardiac health certifications completed.
September 7, 2009 - Jenga finishes her Canadian Championship in style with a Group 4th placment.
October 2009 - Jenga has her hips/elbow certifications completed.
October 18, 2009 - Jenga wins Best of Opposite at the London Canine Association show over several specials. Her first weekend out as a special!
April 20, 2010 - Jenga has a beautiful litter of 10 puppies, all show potential ridges, no DS, no kinks, no excessive white.
October 2/3, 2010 - Jenga earns her AKC Junior Courser Title, QC, and wins a 4 point Major (1st place) towards her AKC Field Championship Title- ALL ON HER FIRST WEEKEND EVER LURE COURSING!!
March 2011 - Jenga goes reserve winners to a 4 point major at Detroit Kennel Club
April 17, 2011 - Jenga wins BEST IN FIELD and BEST OF BREED (5 point major) at the AKC lure coursing trial in Michigan. This is her 2nd major win and now has 9 points towards her AKC Field Championship Title - This was only her 2nd trial ever!
May 28, 2011 - Jenga wins her 2nd BEST IN FIELD and BEST OF BREED (5 point major) at the AKC lure coursing trial in Ohio. This is her 3rd major in 3 trials and now has 14 points towards her Field CH. Title.
May 29, 2011 - Jenga earns her Senior Coursing title and another point which finishes her AKC FIELD CHAMPION TITLE!!!
November 2011 - Jenga earns Best of Breed at the RRRRCOM lure coursing and was in a run-off for Best in Field!
October 2017 - Jenga earns her AKC Master Courser Title
Exclusively Feeding Purina Proplan and Veterinary Diets
Site Updated December 2020
Woodslee, ON
ph: 519-564-7496